March 03, 2004

.NET Code Access Security

I just got through Juval Löwy’s most excellent WebCast on .NET Code Access Security.

What can I say, it’s enlightening, it’s profound, it’s a WebCast that everyone interested in .NET should tune into.

The WebCast is long, about 90 minutes, and I had to listen to it in two sessions. I have a lot of notes that I plan on posting here.

The great thing about the presentation is that it didn’t merely go through the motions, it was more than a drag through the CAS API. It was a comprehensive guide to what CAS is and how it can be used. Juval gave some insightful examples that just made it all clear.

Posted by Nick Codignotto at March 3, 2004 11:29 PM | TrackBack
Posted to Programming
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