March 18, 2004


I was reading Jon’s Radio, specifically a post wshere he talks about Standards versus customization.

He talks about a few things in that post but his points about one-click subscribe for news feeds caught my eye. First, one-click subscription is a reality, albeit not a well-known reality. I noticed Jon had a neat way to allow readers to one-click subscribe to his blog. It turns out that his mechanism is publicly available and is called quickSub. I was able to install this in 5 minutes.

My own aggregator NewsGator has another means of doing this via a neat IE plugin that squats down on your toolbar. Unfortunately, this toolbar doesn’t work in my primary browser, firefox.

Check out my syndication section of my sidebar and hover your mouse over the “one-click subscription” link.


Posted by Nick Codignotto at March 18, 2004 08:32 AM | TrackBack
Posted to General
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