May 26, 2004

Visual Blogger

I’m using using BlogJet to make this post. I just heard about a new blogging tool called Visual Blogger by Interscape technologies.

Both products are early, but Blogjet is further along. Actually, that’s not fair. BlogJet is “finished” since it’s non-beta version 1.0.0.  Visual Blogger is still in beta, which is a good thing since it’s so rough around the edges.

Visual Blogger seemed to spend a lot of time making the UI look like an Office 2003 application and not enough time implementing features that bloggers need.

BlogJet wins this round hands down. Blogjet isn’t enormously feature rich, but they took the features a blogger needs and nailed each to perfection.

Visual Blogger may improve over time, but for now I’m totally into BlogJet.

Posted by Nick Codignotto at May 26, 2004 10:38 AM | TrackBack
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