October 07, 2004

Flickr posting

On the beach, indirect
Originally uploaded by NickCody.

I started using Flickr a few days ago, which seems to be the perfect online photo service.

They have an open API, support RSS feeds, integrate with many blogging engines (I'm posting from the Flickr interface now), and have a host of other features.

Flickr seems to be all about community as you can view photos from other users, set up friends, family, and other contacts and you can notify each other when new photos are available.

It's still all a jumble in my mind, but I'm getting there.

The service is free, but they only give you 10MB of upload. I'm at 77% capacity now and I'm not even half-way through October. I'm happy enough with the service already that I'm considering a commercial purchase which is like $3.50 a month.

My 5 year old son took this picture of a picture and I thought it gave the photo more personality than the original.

Posted by Nick Codignotto at October 7, 2004 08:42 AM | TrackBack
Posted to Photo and Video

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