November 08, 2004

Flickr Tags

Flickr has a nice tagging system and it seems to be well-used by the Flick user base. Here is an interesting map of the most-used tags:

Most popular Flickr tags

I go to this page about once a week. Some of the links seem strange and their popularity puzzling at first. Consider  the 7610 link. At first the significance of that link mystefies me. I click on it and I see a bunch of pictures and t here doesn't seem to be any organization or theme to the shots. After a google search, of course, I see that the 7610 is a model of a Nokia camera phone.

Also curious as to why November is not represented as a tag, though September and October are. Could be that we're still early in the month and not enough photos have gotten this tag yet. It would be interesting to see this map animate somehow.

Perhaps I should make a suggestion to have the Flickr folks create a tag web service so I can retrieve the most popular tags across the entire user base. They already have an extensive API but you can only receive tags per user.


Posted by Nick Codignotto at November 8, 2004 08:43 AM | TrackBack
Posted to Photo and Video
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