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Avalon, Illustrator, Visual Studio ideas...

Chris Sells pointed out how Nathan Dunlap and Jonathan Russ created Splitter Bars in Avalon. Chris went on to describe how important XAML is going to be in getting designers and coders working more efficiently. This hits a chord for me and represents something that has always excited me about Avalon. You can design something in Illustrator (or have it designed), and import it into your code. I can see a great opportunity for an Adobe Illustrator plugin that allows a fine-grain of control over the export process (XAML markup, class attributes, etc.) Or, better yet, an Illustrator plugin for Visual Studio! Amateur illustrators, but who are really developers [like me] would appreciate that side of the coin. A key feature of this integration would be, of course, the ability to allow the visual to evolve as the code evolves, as a separate entity that can be checked in and out of source control, etc. The day is coming, indeed.