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Miguel de Icaza "C is dead"

I just read this fascinating article over at LinuxWorld. "Still Bringing Windows Developers Over to Linux, Mono Gathers Speed":http://www.linuxworld.com/story/44050.htm Being a regular reader of Miguel's blog, I've been watching this unfold on a daily basis. This article made me snap out of the miniscule and see he big picture. After reading the article and the discussion that followed. I have a few short observations. First, people starting beating up Java saying that it's not used by any serious Linux developer. The obvious choice is C. I guess that's true for Linux developers on the desktop but it's obviously not at all true for Web developers. People working with SOA are almost exclusively working in Java from what I understand (caveat, I'm not a Web developer!) Second, I wonder which group of developers Mono development will more displace? I'm also curious about when Miguel and his team will start targetting the WS-specs that Indigo has latched onto. Hmmm. That last thought is interesting. Once Mono is mature, how much of the IL and assemblies produced by the Microsoft team can be directly used on top of Mono? I'd like to think I could answer that question myself, but I still haven't wrapped my head around all of the architecture involved here...


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