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Mono 2.0

I see on the Mono web site, that they plan on delivering Mono 2.0 around Q2 2005. Not coincidentally, they plan on providing updates to System.Xml, ASP.NET, and Windows Forms to match the .NET 2.0 API.

I'd love to experiment with writing assemblies in Windows and deploying them on MacOS X. Is that possible? I suppose as long as the referenced libraries are available (like Windows Forms), this should work right out of the box.

I've pretty much decided that my mapper program is going to be written in C# 2.0 running under the .NET Framework 2.0. This ties me to the "Whidbey" timeframe, but that's ok. I can be in beta for a very long time and get lots of feedback.

Getting back to Mono, I also see that Code Access Security (CAS) is missing. This basically means that all applications running on Mono require/have full trust capabilities.

If you want to read more about the Mono roadmap, go to the Mono Roadmap page, which has lots of interesting info.


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