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Please change your RSS links...

I’m trying out Feedburner. A colleague sent me the link a few weeks ago, but I didn’t “get it” at the time. Now I get it, but “it” requires all of you to change your links to the feedburner virtual link. This is:


Although http://www.primordia.com/blog/index.xml will continue to be updated, I won’t publicize it anymore. Feedburner will allow me to enrich the feed easier than I can do myself. I can also get some interesting statistics that are hard or impossible to get from the default Movable Type software or my web host’s statistics package.

Again, please change your links to http://feeds.feedburner.com/PrimordialOoze and I hope this doesn’t cause you any problems.


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» Feedburner from Reflections on Programming
A colleague has recently switched his rss feed over to Feedburner. I will be very curious to see how this experiment pans out. [Read More]