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WiFi Adventures

I’m on the train and I’m busy wacking away at my laptop. For some reason, I was curious about the wireless situation on the train. I thought maybe there were other wireless-enabled PC’s? Were the neighborhoods that I whizzed by Wifi enabled? Does the train itself have a wireless network?

So, I slapped in my wireless-g network card and viola, two networks popped up.

What? No joke. Here is what I saw in my wireless connection list:


Well, I did wind up getting an IP address:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix  . :
Autoconfiguration IP Address. . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

However, I didn’t get a gateway so no Internet access for me. So, I decided to keep hitting refresh and I saw more networks as the train moved along on it’s route.


and more


Through all of this, the original network named has always had a strong connection. This was true for two days in a row. So, I suspect the train itself has this connection but I’m just guessing.

I tried to ping and got nothing. I then investigated the connection and found out some more information about it here:


Does anyone know what is special about the 198 and 169 octets? I’ve seen the 169 octet before, usually when I’ve had network problems… actually, so I’m not sure if it’s significant.

Anyway, I’m approachoing Jamaica Station soon and yesterday, there were a bunch of WiFi networks crawling around there. It would be cool to get a 60 second connection to the Internet where I could upload a blog post or get some mail!



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