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Happy March

It’s March already and spring is just around the corner. The topics I cover in this blog have drifted far from programming and I really mean to change that.

February was a wash for my drawing project. It seems as if I spent the entire month researching my telescope purchase. Now that that’s done, I hope to start my machine and geometric shape drawing project.

It will be a while before I get my feet wet with astrophotography. I think that’s an awesome topic to blog about. I doubt I can keep up with APOD, of course!

A colleague pointed me to a new camera from Canon that is designed to be “astrophotography” friendly as there are no coatings that block the wavelengths that are vital to taking pictures of celestial objects. I’m eyeing that as a future purchase unless I research something better.

I remain pretty committed to not creating multiple blogs for all of the different things I write about. However, I will probably create category feeds at some point so people can filter out topics they don’t care to read about.

Enjoy March. I hope it’s a good month for you.


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