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This is a picture of Jupiter that I took tonight in my backyard in Wantagh, NY.

I took it with my Meade LX200GPS with a Nagler 13mm Type 6 eyepiece.

The camera is a Sony F707 f/2.3. The camera was physically clamped to my eyepiece and my biggest problem was the way the camera sagged when I let go. By the time I was ready to take this shot, I kind of fanagled the image into view.

I had to put the camera on timer shot since pressing the button was too traumatic for this delecate setup. In addition, I find that my deck is too shaky to take pictures on. I think I need to pour a concrete slab or something.


You can see the two moons Io (on top) and Ganymede (on bottom) to the lower-right of Jupiter!

Here is what Starry Night Pro 5.0 showed me:

(I had to rotate the image)



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