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Cherry Springs Star Party

In early June, I’m heading off to Harrisburg, PA for the Cherry Springs Star Party. It’s basically camping with telescopes. Some of the people I know who are going say they stay in motels, but I’ll probably pitch a tent somewhere.

I started reading up on the event and what I can expect. It seems like there are a lot of rules of etiquette surrounding star parties. Google pointed to this top-ranked link.

My favorite section is the contentious section:

Here are some of the more contentious issues and Bill Arnett's comments on them:

  • Children -- some folks welcome them, others don't. If you do bring a child make sure that he/she acts like an adult. (OTOH, many adults could use a dose of childish wonder at the beauty of the sky.)
  • Pets -- some places ban pets, some allow them. If you bring your pet make sure it is firmly under control.
  • Music -- some places ban music altogether, some are less strict. Just remember that music that you love may be extremely irratating to others. When in doubt use a headset.
  • LX200s -- some people really dislike the noise an LX200 makes when slewing. LX200 users should make sure that they're not offending their neighbors. Reducing the slew speed helps a little. So does arriving early so that those who might have a problem can set up at some distance away.
  • Smoking -- smokers should stay downwind of non-smokers and their telescopes. Just because you're outdoors doesn't mean your smoke isn't annoying (and unhealthful, dirty, disgusting, ... you get the point :-)
  • Alcohol -- some ban it; some almost require it. If you do drink (at a party that allows it) make sure you don't violate the "loud and boisterous" rule. And be aware that alcohol may adversely affect your night vision, body temperature and ability to drive home.

A few notes on these:

  • I have three small children… but I think only the oldest would appreciate and have a chance at behaving himself.
  • I have an LX200 and it’s noisy as hell! When you slew it at slow speed it’s quieter, so I guess I’ll have to be patient. Plus, I’m better at locating stuff by hand now. I can always get the scope in close and slew it precisely once I’m in the general area of the sky of my target object.
  • Alcohol… I sure hope the CSSP is the latter kind of party, but one can only hope. Plus, alcohol affects my regular vision as well as my night vision so I’m not sure what the point is.


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