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When the train comes ontime, I miss it

The 7:48am train actually came at 7:48 today and I missed it. For months, months, it has been stopped about a 1/4 mile east of the station, easily within view, sipping it’s morning brew of electricity from the third rail. We all watched it sit there until it decided to come to life around 7:55am and crawl to the platform where we all happily jumped on.

Today it just marched up at it’s regularly scheduled time and I was caught unawares as I approached from the remote parking lot below.

If this continues, it will result in a major disruption of my morning schedule. I depended on the lateness since it allowed me to put my kids on the school bus at 7:40am.

I wonder if the sudden timeliness of the train is the result of a resolution to some longstanding scheduling problem. I hope not, or I’ll have to come in earlier and miss my kids in the morning.



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