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More running

Getting  back on track in the wake of my trip to Bermuda, I put in two good runs this weekend. I ran twice, once on Saturday and once on Monday. Both routes were the same, consisting of a pleasant run on the bike path going from a local park by my house to Jones Beach.

If you click on the static map below, you will be brought to a live map. If you click and pan the live map, you can see that the bike path spans three water gaps. These “three bridges” are milestones along the path, I ran to the first bridge, which is a 4.4 mile round-trip run.

This is the first time I ran in a decent heat but the weather was so beautiful that I didn’t mind at all. I enjoyed the scenery and I certainly prefer this beach run over my suburban nightly routes.

The beach route took me about 45 minutes each time so I’m pretty consistently running a 10 or so minute mile. On Monday, I felt like I could have gone longer so I have to think about whether I should begin to run longer or try and push myself faster.

Click below for a live map of Route #3. I hope by the end of the summer to make it all the way to the beach, but that’s a lofty goal considering the whole trip could be 12 or so miles.




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