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Sad day for the Wiki

Today was a sad day for the Primordia Wiki. The site started to get some minor spam in the past two weeks. The site went for years without incident but the recent spamming activity gave me the willies. I’m no stranger to wikis being completely overrun by spam.

The strange thing is that the spam targetted a single page and no others. I don’t know why it was this one page, but I made the choice to head off further trouble. I enabled ACL.

So, only a few select registered users will be able to edit entries or create pages. This act makes me kind of sad since wikis are all about freedom. Oh well.

My only comfort is that the Primordia Wiki was never really supposed to be a community-developed site so this is not like I have made a major course-correction here. The original intent of the site was to allow the players and DM’s in our gaming groups to create and modify the content.

However, my friend Rob and I have been toying with the idea of starting a community-developed gaming world. In that scenario, community-developed content will be welcome and much appreciated. We’ll obviously need to think a bit harder about controlling the content and the spam in particular for that effort.



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