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Ecto - Whoa!

I'm posting this entry from the Ecto desktop blogging client for the Mac. The first words out of my mouth were, “whoa.”

The main difference between Ecto and BlogJet, aside from Ecto being so much more beautiful, it that Ecto starts off in a screen where you see a listing of all the blogs in your account and all of the latest blog entries for the selected blog. BlogJet starts off with a blank document, assuming you're ready to edit.

I'm still a bit slow on the Mac. My typing isn't as fast, but I suppose that's mainly due to the new keyboard. Then there's that “apple key” thing that I have to use all the time to get anything done.

Editing in Ecto so far is pretty easy and I'm able to edit in “Rich Text” or “Raw HTML” just like I could in BlogJet. Inserting pictures is integrated with iPhoto, but you can drag files from the desktop (such as screen captures) just as easily. Well, not so easy. The images I uploaded didn't upload properly so I'll have to keep experimenting to find out why.

I don't want to bore you with any more details. Ecto seems like a solid editor and unless someone tells me otherwise, the editor I'l likely stick with when blogging from my Mac.


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