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Last night I fell asleep on the couch a little after 10pm and didn’t wake up until 6am. I set my alarm clock for 5am so my last hour of sleep was interrupted a few times while I smashed on the snooze button a few times.

I was tired.

Last week, we got our little girl from Korea. The first few days with her kept my wife and  awake as she adjusted to the other side of the world, but our little girl soon fell into a nice groove and began to sleep through the night.

This weekend, my wife and I through a birthday party for my second oldest (no longer the middle), Antonio. The party went really well and I’d like to thank anyone reading this who came to celebrate the occasion with us.

That night was a bit rough. Our Serafina had a bit of a cold and was up all night. When morning came, my wife and I were faced with two kids running around the house screaming about my son’s new Nintendo DS Lite (it’s awesome). My youngest son was obsessed with some Floam and wanted more than his share as he constructed his little super bug. Then we had the yard to clean up. Oh man, it was a disaster area.

We rented an Italian ice cart, which is like the best thing you can get for a party. The kids get all sugared up and the adults find they’re finishing off more of these than they care to admit. Well, the little paper cups were in some very hard-to-find places.

We also had a big inflatable water slide which I had to re-inflate, clean off and dry before folding. Beer, soda, and water bottles were everywhere. My deck was a mess. Toys and remnants of last night’s epic light-saber battle were all over the place. By the way, the light saber battle may make it on Youtube if I can get my act together. It was cool.

Our cleaning efforts were interrupted by a trip to Bertucci’s in Melville to celebrate my cousin’s daughter’s first birthday.

In the end, I had to call and cancel our D&D engagement for the evening. Lisa and I simply had too much cleanup to do. we wound up finishing after 8pm. Serafina was still feverish and we knew it would be a long night with her up (it was).

I feel better rested now. I have my coffee and I’m ready to get to work.


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