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Astronomers name Pluto's big brother

If you read my blog, you know that I’m interested in Astronomy. I’ve made lots of posts on Astronomy over the years. I’ve even made my own crappy movies using some of the software I use, Starry NIght Pro:

So, many of you may know about the recent turmoil over Pluto (cartoons here). Well, the BBC news has an article that describes the recent naming of the bastard planet, er. Dwarf Planet, which started all of the trouble. Meet Eris:

The distant world whose discovery prompted leading astronomers to demote Pluto from the rank of "planet" has now been given its own official name.

Having caused so much consternation in the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the object has been called Eris, after the Greek goddess of discord._42086062_eris_nasa_203

Eris is larger than Pluto, which put scientists in the fix of having to call them both planets - or neither.

Both bodies have now been put in the new classification of "dwarf planets".

Eris' discoverer, Michael Brown of the California Institute of Technology, told the Associated Press that the name was an obvious choice, calling it "too perfect to resist".

In mythology, Eris caused a quarrel among goddesses that sparked the Trojan War. In real life, Eris also caused strife, forcing scientists to produce a strict definition of the term planet - and that eventually led to Pluto losing the status it had held since its discovery in 1930.

The need for a strict definition was deemed necessary after new telescope technologies began to reveal far-off objects that rivalled Pluto in size.



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