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Handango beats up the little guy?

John Cody over at omnisoft.com has posted an e-mail exchange between himself and handango, a portal for mobile apps, where it looks like they've not only renegged on an free advertising prize, but has removed all of his content and terminated his account when he complained about it.


OMNISOFT is the developer of popular PDA programs like SATALERT and VNOTES. He and many other mobile app developers rely on handango for a significant portion of their sales since handango is by far the biggest game in town.

If you read  the e-mail exchange that he had with them when he found out that they would not honor the $5,000.00 ad allowance he won in a 2005 raffle. He complained when they renegged and rightfully so.

The e-mail exchange can be found here. Their resolution was to simply delete his account and refuse to carry any of his products!

To me, this seems like a horrible case of a big company taking advantage of the little guy. This doesn’t sound like good business to me.

UPDATE: Digg this article!

UPDATE 11/1/2006: The Register picks up the story!


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