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Fig tree all wrapped up for the winter

Fig Tree for the winter

Here is my fig tree, as taken on Saturday December 2. We’re experiencing an unusually warm December (not that I have a Farmer’s Almanac by my side or anything!) and the tree is in no immediate danger, but I’m a bit late to be taking care of this so I’m glad that I’m done.

Or so I thought.

I wrote to a friend, very proud of my bubble wrap protection. In my head, bubble wrap will serve as a good insulator. It’s waterproof and has plenty of air pockets to help regulate the temperature. My friend told me that the plastic will harm the tree!

He had another suggestion:

That might work better but maybe you might want to try to buy 4 2x4's and drive them into the dirt then slap on some plywood around it and fill the interior with leaves.  Then you could but some tar paper on top somehow to seal it from water.  It's alot of work which is why i don't have a fig tree.  Prune it back so that it fits into the house you would build. I forgot to ask, have you wraped it in the past?


I’ll attempt his solution next weekend, but if I don’t get to it I’m hoping that my bubble wrap will at least be better than the raw elements.

The fresh figs at the Italian store by me are pretty good. Maybe I should just resign to eating those.


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