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Flex your muscles

I’ve mentioned before that I wanted to write Rails apps using Flex to spice things up. In essence, I want Rails to be my server-side web application platform and I want flex to add interactivity and UI fidelity that HTML would probably have a hard time recreating.

Not that I haven’t been completely AMAZED at what HTML can do these days, with CSS, JavaScript, and AJAX because I have been amazed.

That said, I always felt like the apps that keep running through my head will require some vector goodness and flex fits that bill rather nicely.

So, tonight, I decided to post a simple Hello World app. It’s nothing special really and the screenshot is as follows:

Flex app 1

You may ask yourself what exactly we’re showing here. Well, it’s a flex app I created using the TextMate flex bundle, a simple “Hello World!” application. The code is pretty simple:

<mx:Panel title="My Application" paddingTop="10" paddingBottom="10" paddingLeft="10" paddingRight="10" > 
    <mx:Label text="Hello Primordial Ooze!" fontWeight="bold" fontSize="24" /> 

(I’m wondering if TextMate markdown mode is going to escape that XML madness properly without any action on my part?)

If you don’t like screenshots, go ahead and try it yourself here:


More complex apps to come :-)


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