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Beer freezing instantly

It’s not often that I get to tag a blog entry with the beer AND science categories, but here it goes.

A colleague of mine sent a very cool video of a beer freezing instantly, by merely tapping it on a counter. Of course, the beer was super-freezed by a liquid nitrogen bath.

Now, not everyone has liquid nitrogen laying around the home. However, if you have a lime, you can do a similar experiment. Here are the steps.

  1. Stick a Corona in the freezer for 30 minutes or however long it takes to fully cool.
  2. Take it out and pop open the bottle.
  3. Take a lime and squish it into the mouth of the bottle, makings sure to squeeze copious amounts of lime juice into the beer itself.
  4. Watch the beer freeze just like this video and become useless.

While you wait for the Corona to thaw, go grab a good Belgian beer and perhaps you’ll forget about that Corona. Note that a good beer does not require a lime.

My only explanation for this is that the freezing temperature of beer is below that of water. So, the water from the lime hits the colder-than-freezing alcohol and causes the water to freeze.

Thanks John for the and thanks Jen for the correction. Of course Liquidnet nitrogen would not lock up a beer, as it would only promote flow ;-)


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