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Technology thoughts

Blogging has been slow lately and part of my excuse has been that I’ve been so busy using technology that I forgot how much I liked to talk about technology.

Also, as my OS installs got refreshed and I continue my migration to the Mac (a rather extended process), I found that my blogging tools, or lack thereof, were inhibiting me from spreading the love.

There have been some advances to be sure. I replaced my old crappy phone with a Samsung Blackjack. My carrier changed, from Verizon to Singular, but I gained a key bonus. Aside from the increased reliability of the newer device, I now have a reliable Internet connection on the train.

That’s where I am now. Typing on my MacBook, using TextMate for blogging. My connection speed isn’t that good when the train is in motion using the Edge network, perhaps 7-40kbps, but I get the occasional 120kbs which is really nice. If I’m stationary and I get “3G” speeds, I can crank at a pretty comfortable 300kbps. Not bad for a little phone.

Oh, and this happens wirelessly using Bluetooth.

Work has been great lately, too. Very busy, but at the same time it’s been very rewarding. I’ve somehow found a means to spend more time working, getting more done, but still more time with the family.

My weekend gaming has been slow lately, but we played D&D for the first time in 3 weeks on Sunday. It was a bit of a rough session for me, being the DM, but it got me back into the groove. In my post on “A hybrid of tabletop role-playing and Internet play,” I write about how I got a remote player immersed in a standard tabletop D&D game:


I have lots more to talk about as my basement project has finished and I begin wiring and configuring my home network. I’ve done a lot with virtualization at home, facilitating TeamSpeak and GameTable servers available on the fly from multiple machines.

I think the train is a good time to blog.


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