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Finding it hard to blog

Over the past few months, I’ve been having a hard time getting up whatever it takes to blog. It’s not due to my having a lack of things to say. Nay, I have plenty to say. Rather, it seems that for every idea I come up with I find two reasons why someone else will write about it better. More specifically, I figure that to turn out anything good then I’ll have to spend my whole night writing posts, revising posts, and checking posts for factual errors. This is time I could be spending drawing maps, writing useless fiction, or reading. Oh crap, and spending time with my family. I always forget that one.

In the midst of all this rumination, I had a sudden flash of realization. Realization came in three easily digestible bite-sized chunks.

First, I’m not a good writer. My useless fiction is testimony to that (but it’s so much fun to do!) Why it took me so long to admit this is beyond reasoning. After reading Strunk and White’s classic The Elements of Style, I realized that I’m that guy on the left-hand side of the page. You know, the butt of all the right-hand-side’s jokes.

Second, this is a blog for the love of god. I’m not making money. Only my friends read it (right?) and they know that I have more flaws than your typical creationist theory. See, my analogies suck too. Or was that a simile, or a metaphor? Oh brother.

Third, again, this is a blog—my blog—and not some collective truth like, say, Wikipedia. Why would I care if there were some factual errors? Why waste time looking all of that up when people should be Googling everything anyway?

So, noble reader, you can expect a lot more badly written, poorly reviewed, and factually inaccurate bullshit streaming from my feed in the coming Year. I somehow seem to love writing it and for whatever reason you keep reading. That, or you have somehow forgotten how to unsubscribe.


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