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When not to use SOA

Jason Bloomberg talks about "Why SOA may not be right for you":http://www.zapthink.com/report.html?id=ZAPFLASH-02162004. Specifically, he states that it might not be a good fit in a heterogeneous IT environment. I'm not sure I understand that (notwithstanding the fact that I doubt any of these exist). As I take each step in my journey to understand all of this stuff, I find myself at an interesting crossroads. Is SOA a fit for the issues I face each day or should I create a more specific solution? My gut tells me that SOA, at face value, is a manifestation of some pretty sound principles like abstraction, separating implementations, and de-emphasizing objects (and instead emphasizing getting some work done). Plus, it seems like a lot of good technology is being developed to make this stuff a dream to work with. So, on my to-do list is to learn about how SOA scales and what technologies exist that help out with that. If a single server implements my service, how do I distribute that to some idle worker machine?


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