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New Running Route

I went a little farther in my run tonight, a little over a quarter mile further to the road leading to my High School. I created another Google map with the new route. This had the effect of adding 7/10 of a mile to my run. I also sped up just a week bit, finishing in almost exactly 40 minutes. This brought my times just under a 10–minute mile (if I divided properly!)


On my last two runs, I’ve been wrapping my left knee since it was a little sore over the weekend. A guy at work tore his meniscus last year so I’d like to do whatever I can to make sure I don’t wear on it too much. A bad knee would make Tae Kwon Do nearly impossible.

Two things I’m interested in learning are how to breath properly and how to plant my feet after each step. I suppose I could Google for the information but any pointers from my running friends would be more than welcome!


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