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Blogging from Writely, Google's

Blogging from Writely

I'm blogging from Writely, Google's online word processor. You can read about the history of the early 2006 acquisition of Writely by Google, here.

What's nice about blogging with a tool like Writely is that it's a go anywhere tool with great editing capabilities and features. I'm thinking that Writely won't be able to match my current tool, Blogjet, but being able to blog anywhere on any machine is a great advantage.

You log onto Writely using a Google e-mail account, which is very convenient if you have one and decidedly inconvenient if you don't. Contact me if you would like a gmail invitation.

Writely has a cool "Preview as blog post" feature. You can edit raw HTML, which I always seem to need, and you have a full range of standard word-processing features like bold, italic, and underlined text. Oh, I suppose you would take that for granted in this day and age, no?

Writely has an Auto-save feature so you shouldn't ever lose anything.

The one puzzing aspect is that I don't seem to have access to my blogs categories. This is a bit problematic for me as I use categories extensively. I was able to add a few tags to the document, though I am unsure if those tags are for Writely use as this document is saved and organized in the Writely document space or this tag will make it's way into the post, possibly as a rel="tag" markup as I would hope it would.

Since this is my first post with Writely, I don't know what to expect when it shows up on my blog page. I've embedded an image to the left here.

UPDATE: Some problems I noticed.

  1. The image did not show up, but I guess I could expect that since my blog's image upload configuration is non-standard and there was no configuration option within the Writely blog setup for me to tell it what my configuration was.
  2. Categories are not set, even when I add a tag with the same name as my category.
  3. I have no way to customize the excerpt property of my post.
  4. The title of my doc is not the title of my post. It seems like Writely takes the first few words from my doc and uses that as the title. I'm going to try and compensate... we'll see what happens. No, the title didn't change... so I have to get this right on the first try.

Thus, Writely has some work to do if it is to be a blogging tool that can challenge the other options out there. However, it's a web app and beware the disruptive nature of web apps... they add features in the still of night and one day you'll wake up and your world will have changed.


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