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Even more perfect passwords

I am a heavy user of Steve Gibson's Perfect Passwords web page. You can generate self-proclaimed "Ultra High Secuirity" passwords. Some sites don't allow 63 or 64 character passwords, however, and I'm constantly partially selecting a piece to submit.

Oh, and it’s sometimes hard to detect that they didn’t support it. They either tell you or they blindly truncate your password on some unknown character, forcing you do slowly enter progressively smaller or larger portions of  the password before getting in. Arg.

The password page generally shows passwords that look like this:


When I visit a new web site which requires a password, I usually go to this page and select the first 8–12 characters. I do this by hand, manually selecting the group with my mouse. I enter this into the site and record the password in a text file located on my TrueCrypt volume (the topic of another post, I suppose).

It would be great if Steve could modify the site to add some CSS padding between each 8–character block. The effect would look like this (I only modified  the last one):


The markup is pretty brainless, use of a CSS class would be cleaner:

<span style="padding-right: 5px">q9z2bYXZ</span><span style="padding-right: 5px">p3be6QOt</span><span style="padding-right: 5px">zPrzQfwx</span><span style="padding-right: 5px">yLG4iegC</span><span style="padding-right: 5px">0xMBPEiI</span><span style="padding-right: 5px">xpn6Gk7L</span><span style="padding-right: 5px">VIKNz3lZ</span><span style="padding-right: 5px">kIQ4ctO</span>

The padding does not show up in your clipboard if you span blocks. The only downside is that double-clicking on a block won’t select it. That would be the ultimate. Does anyone know how to accomplish that? Have spaces which are invisible to the clipboard but will allow a user to double-click and select an 8–character block like a word? Oh, and you can’t use script, Steve Gibson hateses script, he does.

If I can come up with a complete solution, I’ll see about submitting this to Steve.



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