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Bouncing glass ball... almost

I’m making some progress on my planned glassy bouncy ball animation. I did this with Microsoft’s XNA Game Studio. However, the ballw as a pre-rendered PNG file… not very sexy.

Here is a screenshot of a resolution-independent screen grab of a static image generated using XAML.


I don’t have the animation working yet. I have to do most of it by hand, I think since I’m not too sure how I would express the gravity calculations using the storyboard elements I would ordinarily use for animation in XAML. The code to do this follows very closely to my original post called Easy Glass Buttons.

You can dowload the XAML file for this, here. Kids are pulling at me now so I don’t have time to pick it apart and explain what’s what. Maybe another time ;-)

File Attachment: green_ball_wpf1.xaml (2 KB)


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