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For last year’s science fair, Giovanni and I got a hold of five square flat Neodymium magnets (those suckers are STRONG) from United Nuclear and created an electric current by spinning the magnet within a wire coil.

This year Giovanni and Antonio had to come up with projects so we chose slime. Not just any slime, like corn-starch oobleck, but high quality Rheopectic slime that you find in toy stores.


I finally got the final ingredient tonight so I was ready to make the slime. I wanted to wait until the kids went to bed before making the first few batches so I’ll look like a pro tomorrow.

I must say the whole process is pretty fascinating, and simple.

You take one glass and pour in this glue-like crap called mucilage and mix in distilled water to make a 50% solution. Then, you take another glass and mix just enough borax powder into a quantity of distilled water so it’s all dissolved.

The next step is to add just a few teaspoons of the borax solution to the mucilage solution and mix. Instant slime.

The slime has the interesting property in that it’s viscosity increases with increased shear. Meaning, it will flow like a liquid if you let it sit and harden up if you mush it around.

The article I read talks about the science of it and tells you how to color it using water paints or food coloring. You can also adjust the sliminess by adjusting the amount of borax solution you add to the mucilage solution.

Here are the basic ingredients


Way to go Google for finding the link to the instructables site that had all of the directions I needed.


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